It is now April of 2011. After a career change, a move back to San Diego, and some major life changes, I decided to register to become a contestant one more time. With quite a few years since my last online registration, my interests had changed considerably, I was a few years older, and had gained a lot of life experience. At the urging of my father, I put in one last application. It took two short weeks for me to hear back. I had landed my audition in LA!
My audition was set for Wednesday, May 4th in Culver City. I prepared to take the time off from work, get clothes to the dry cleaners, and make sure I did as much research as I could to prepare myself for the audition. I learned that I would not be spinning a wheel, that there would be a test, and to BUY VOWELS! I departed San Diego Wednesday morning for what would be a very exciting day.
After seeing a few customers in the area, I found my way to the hotel where auditions were taking place. Found a spot to eat lunch in the area and just relaxed for a little while. I walked into the hotel about 20 minutes before my audition was scheduled to start. I began sizing up my competition, and talking with fellow auditioners. The nerves began to hit me. What if I call a letter that's already been called? What if I solve the puzzle incorrectly by one letter? That wouldn't look good at all! Soon, Gary came out into the lobby and welcomed us. We filed into the audition room, and watched a little bit of the history of Wheel of Fortune.
Seeing the old sets was really cool, as it took me back to my first few times watching Wheel, and playing the board game with my family. The nerves began to settle as we filled out our applications and got placed into a seating chart. Then the fun began! The makeshift wheel began spinning, letters were being called, and vowels were being purchased. With a puzzle being solved, out went an autographed picture of Vanna. Lucky guy. Shortly after, my name was called to stand up and play a round. I started off strong, guessing correct letters, bought a vowel or two, spun again, and bankrupt. It seemed too early to have my turn be done. I sat back down, waiting to find out what happened next.
As everyone had received their turn, the judges announced that we would now be taking a test. After the tests were passed out and Gary told us to start, I began to scribble furiously. There is no way I'm going to solve all these, I thought. All too quickly, time was called. We passed our tests in, and had a 15 minute break.
When we came back, we found out that there would be some cuts made. If your name is called, you stay. If not, it is the end of the road for you. I waited anxiously to learn my fate. 19 names were called, and knowing that only 20 people would move on, I hung my head. Then I heard my name called, let out a loud "YEA!!" and shook hands with my neighbors who had also made the cut.
The second round of auditions began, with a more in depth version of playing the game. Puzzles seemed more difficult, we had to display energy, and again, BUY VOWELS! I successfully solved a puzzle and went on to make the final cut. We played one more round, 2 groups of 4 and a group of 3. We had to pretend to spin the wheel, buy vowels, clap, guess letters correctly, and boom. It was done.
We were informed that if we made the show, we would receive a letter within the next two weeks. If we didn't receive a letter, we could try to audition again after a year. Thus began a week long wait.....
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